123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285 |
- {
- "payment": "Payment",
- "rewards": "Rewards",
- "notification": "Notification",
- "facility": "Facility",
- "form": "Form",
- "notice_board": "Notice Board",
- "phone_email": "Phone/Email",
- "password": "Password",
- "login": "Log In",
- "forgot_password": "Forgot Password?",
- "create_new_yy_home_account": "Create New YY Home Account",
- "agree_to": "Agree to",
- "terms_of_service": "Terms of Service",
- "forgot_text": "Enter your email and mobile phone number",
- "email": "Email",
- "mobile_phone": "Mobile Phone",
- "next": "Next",
- "verification_code": "Verification Code",
- "reset_password": "Reset Password",
- "confirm_password": "Confirm Password",
- "password_format": "8 Digits Alphanumeric",
- "get_code": "Get Code",
- "first_name": "First Name",
- "last_name": "Last Name",
- "sign_up_verify_txt": "We have sent you an SMS verification code Please enter it below",
- "did_not_receive": "Did Not Receive?",
- "resend_code": "Resend Code",
- "you_have": "You have",
- "tries_left": "Tries Left",
- "welcome_name": "Welcome {name}",
- "sign_up_success_txt1": "You have successfully created an YY Home account",
- "sign_up_success_txt2": "Your username is your email address and please keep your password safe",
- "sign_up_success_txt3": "Now, let's get you connected to your estate and community",
- "get_started": "let's get started",
- "yy_home_accounts": "YY Home Accounts",
- "block": "Block",
- "unit_number": "Unit Number",
- "block_desc": "Block refers to the street number of the unit's official mailing address",
- "block_example": "123 Example Road #08-08 Country 123456",
- "block_example_desc": "123 is the block number #08-08 is the unit number",
- "estate_or_building_name": "Estate or Building Name?",
- "type_here": "Type Here",
- "estate_name_desc": "Tell us the name of the estateor building you are applying to",
- "owner_or_tenant": "Are you an owner or tenant?",
- "owner": "Owner",
- "tenant": "Tenant",
- "who_are_owners": "Who are owners?",
- "owners_desc1": "My name is in the strata title",
- "owners_desc2": "My name is in the strata title and l have rented out my unit",
- "owners_desc3": "I live in the same household as the named owner",
- "owners_desc4": "I am the shareholder of the company that owns the unit",
- "owners_desc5": "The Management will verify your application accordingly",
- "who_are_tenants": "Who are tenants?",
- "tenants_desc1": "My name is in the lease agreement",
- "tenants_desc2": "I live in the same household as the named tenant",
- "tenants_desc3": "I am the tenant of the company that rented the unit",
- "tenants_desc4": "The Management will verify your application accordingly",
- "upload_documents": "Upload Documents",
- "upload_doc_tenant_desc": "The Management requires that you upload the following documents to verify your tenancy. You may redact sensitive financial information\n\n(1)A valid tenancy agreement showing your name,unit number,tenancy expiration date and a list of occupants (if applicable)\n\n(2)Tenancy Agreement Stamp Duty receipt",
- "upload_doc_owner_desc" : "The management requires you to upload the following documents to verify your property information. You can edit sensitive financial information\n\n(1)Property ownership certificate, sales contract, (if applicable)\n\n(2)Local tax invoice",
- "upload": "Upload",
- "following": "Following",
- "followers": "Followers",
- "my_post": "My Posts",
- "household": "Household",
- "estate": "Estate",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "enable_notification": "Enable Notification",
- "change_mobile_phone": "Change Mobile Phone",
- "privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "terms_conditions": "Terms & Conditions",
- "account_deactivation": "Account Deactivation",
- "rate_us": "Rate Us",
- "version_no": "Version No.",
- "logout": "Logout",
- "old_mobile_phone": "Old Mobile Phone",
- "new_mobile_phone": "New Mobile Phone",
- "submit": "Submit",
- "new_password": "New Password",
- "confirm_new_password": "Confirm New Password",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "alert": "Alert",
- "logout_alert": "Are you sure you want to logout?",
- "account_deactivate_alert": "Are you sure you want to deactivate your account? You will not be able to login into the app once you proceed with the request.",
- "home": "Home",
- "visitor": "Visitor",
- "feedback": "FeedBack",
- "me": "Me",
- "property": "Property",
- "service": "Service",
- "community": "Community",
- "latest_news": "Latest News",
- "internal": "Internal",
- "info": "Info",
- "publish": "Publish",
- "latest_transactions": "Latest Transactions",
- "property_news": "Property News",
- "strata_management_guides": "Strata Management Guides",
- "introduction_to_info_pack": "Introduction to info-pack",
- "your_roles_responsibilities": "Your roles & responsibilities",
- "property_guide": "Property Guide",
- "visitor_now": "Now",
- "visitor_active": "Active",
- "history": "History",
- "visitor_msg": "The community visitor system is an intelligent system designed to enhance community security management and facilitate visitor access.",
- "visitor_registration": "Visitor Registration",
- "full_name": "Full Name",
- "nric_fin": "NRIC/FIN",
- "license_plate_number": "License Plate Number",
- "access_date": "Access Date",
- "notes": "Notes",
- "characters": "{count} Characters",
- "sent": "Sent",
- "in_progress": "In Progress",
- "feedback_msg_1": "Help us keep your estate beautiful",
- "feedback_msg_2": "there is something that requires ourattention or if you have an awesome suggestion, we would like to hear from you!",
- "create_new_feedback": "Create New FeedBack",
- "mark_all": "Mark All",
- "choose_category": "Choose a Category",
- "title": "Title",
- "describe_your_feedback": "Describe Your FeedBack",
- "upload_pictures": "Upload Pictures",
- "send_feedback": "Send FeedBack",
- "up_to_max_images": "(Up to 10 images can be uploaded)",
- "published_successfully": "Published Successfully",
- "published_successful_txt": "Your feedback has been successfully sent! We will reply to you as soon as possible! thank you!",
- "back_home": "Back Home",
- "waiting_for_the_administrator": "Waiting for the administrator",
- "administrator_reply": "Administrator Reply",
- "feedback_details": "FeedBack Details",
- "upload_a_photo": "Upload a Photo",
- "or": "or",
- "edit_profile": "Edit Profile",
- "active": "ACTIVE",
- "inactive": "INACTIVE",
- "remove": "Remove",
- "add": "Add",
- "household_members": "Household Members",
- "remove_account": "Remove Account",
- "remove_account_tips": "Are you sure you want to remove your account?",
- "book": "Book",
- "facility_active": "Active",
- "deposit": "Deposit",
- "view": "View",
- "fee_paid": "Fee Paid",
- "booked_by_someone": "Booked by {name}",
- "deposit_amount": "Deposit Amount",
- "deposit_hold": "Deposit Hold",
- "deposit_desc": "Deposit Description:",
- "deposit_desc_txt": "Deposit is a part of enjoying community services, and it will be automatically issued to your corresponding bank card after enjoying the services. Please check carefully",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "deposit_released": "Deposit Released",
- "booking_successful": "BOOKING SUCCESSFUL",
- "have_fun": "Have Fun!",
- "paid_on": "paid on",
- "deposit_released_caps": "DEPOSIT RELEASED",
- "booking_fee": "Booking Fee",
- "on_hold": "On Hold",
- "total": "Total",
- "quota_left_msg": "You have {count}x quota left (resets on {date})",
- "card_caps": "CARD",
- "change": "Change",
- "proceed_with_payment": "Proceed With Payment",
- "pay_fees_with": "Pay MCST fees with",
- "convert_large_recurring_payments_to": "Convert large recurring payments to",
- "info_desc1": "Convert your recurring expenses into valuable miles, rewards and cashback today!",
- "info_desc2": "Fly business class for 60% less!",
- "info_desc3": "Sundy pays MCST fees with her credit card to help her accumulate a yearly expenditure of $62,000. Everything adds up!",
- "info_desc4": "Her credit card rewards her 1.5 miles* for every dollar spent, earning her 93,000 miles.",
- "info_desc5": "Sundy is able to fly business class to Tokyo worth $4,000 at only $1,488 in YY Home Pay processing fees That is more than 60% in savings!",
- "info_desc6": "please check your credit card rewardsfor more information",
- "add_new_card": "Add New Card",
- "primary_card": "Primary Card",
- "set_primary_card": "Set as Primary Card",
- "add_card": "Add Card",
- "credit_debit_card": "Credit or debit card",
- "name_on_card": "Name on Card",
- "card_number": "Card Number",
- "payment_details": "Payment Details",
- "notes_to_recipient": "Notes to Recipient",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "form_submit_title": "Submit",
- "approved": "Approved",
- "not_approved": "Not Approved",
- "send_on_sometime": "Sent on {time}",
- "approved_on_sometime": "Approved on {time}",
- "not_approved_on_sometime": "Not Approved on {time}",
- "access_card_owner": "Access Card-Owner",
- "access_card_tenant": "Access Card-Tenant",
- "car_park_cancellation": "Car Park Cancellation",
- "moving_in": "Moving In",
- "moving_out": "Moving Out",
- "overnight_parking": "Overnight Parking",
- "registration_of_2_vehicle": "Registration of 2nd Vehicle",
- "renovation": "Renovation",
- "re_registration_of_1_vehicle_owner": "Re-Registration of 1st Vehicle-Owner",
- "re_registration_of_1_vehicle_tenant": "Re-Registration of 1st Vehicle-Tenant",
- "re_registration_of_bicycle": "Re-Registration of Bicycles",
- "vehicle_label_replacement": "Vehicle Label Replacement",
- "send_feedback_management": "If you would like more information,please send a feedback to the Management",
- "processing_in_progress": "Processing in progress, please be patient...",
- "type_of_application": "TYPE OF APPLICATION",
- "notes_to_management": "NOTES TO MANAGEMENT",
- "access_card_desc": "Please enter the serial number(s) of faulty damaged or lost access card number OR provide serial numbers of all working access cards.",
- "status": "Status",
- "attachments": "ATTACHMENTS",
- "access_card_tenant_letter": "Kindly attach a copy of owner's authorisation letter",
- "ownership_status": "OWNERSHIP STATUS",
- "vehicle_number": "VEHICLE NUMBER",
- "iu_number": "IU NUMBER",
- "vehicle_make_model_colour": "VEHICLE MAKE/MODEL/ COLOUR",
- "start_date_caps": "START DATE",
- "end_date_caps": "END DATE",
- "time_of_arrival": "TIME OF ARRIVAL",
- "moving_company": "MOVING COMPANY",
- "person_in_charge": "PERSON IN CHARGE",
- "mobile_number_caps": "MOBILE NUMBER",
- "company_address": "COMPANY ADDRESS",
- "date_of_entry": "DATE OF ENTRY",
- "guest_name": "GUEST NAME",
- "guest_mobile_number": "GUEST MOBILE NUMBER",
- "renovation_start_date": "RENOVATION START DATE",
- "renovation_end_date": "RENOVATION END DATE",
- "hacking_start_date": "HACKING START DATE",
- "hacking_end_date": "HACKING END DATE",
- "bicycle_desc": "Please upload a photo of your bicycle",
- "label_txt": "Please attach the following documents to accompany the vehicle registration form:",
- "label_txt_1": "1)One Motoring car registration or log card",
- "label_txt_2": "2)Company Authorization Letter is required for company cars",
- "label_txt_3": "3) Car Rental Agreement is required for rental cars.",
- "car_cancel_txt": "Kindly provide the following.",
- "car_cancel_txt_1": "1. Car decals serial number",
- "car_cancel_txt_2": "2.Effective date of cancellation",
- "signature": "SIGNATURE",
- "car_cancel_signature_txt": "the resident,herein confirm that we have read and will fully abide by the rules & regulations governing car parking of Parc Life. We further undertake to display the car park label, prominently on the top left(passenger side) portion of the front windscreen of our vehicle at all times whilst in Parc Life.",
- "signed_and_agreed_by": "Signed and agreed by",
- "moving_in_msg": "If you would like to leave the Management a note to accompany this application or have any special requests, please leave them here.",
- "overnight_parking_msg": "Please provide the period of overnight parking.",
- "list_of_renovation_works": "LIST OF RENOVATION WORKS",
- "renovation_attachments": "To assist us with the approval of your application, kindly attach the following documents:\n\n1. Floor Plan and drawings of the proposed renovation\n\n2.Professional Engineers Endorsement\n\n3.Electrical layout\n\n4.Joint Indemnity For Owner andContractors",
- "renovation_note": "Kindly list all other sub-contractors who are involved in your renovation.\n\nIf you would like to leave the Management a note to accompany this application or have any special requests, please leave them here.",
- "bicycle_note": "Kindly indicate the model, brand, colour and type of bicycle.",
- "label_replace_note": "If you would like to leave the Management a note to accompany this application, please leave them here.\n\nFor replacement of car label, please include the serial number of the damaged car label.",
- "choose_an_option": "Choose an Option",
- "signature_vehicle": "I,the resident,herein confirm that we have read and will fully abide by the rules & regulations governing car parking of Parc Life. We further undertake to display the car park label, prominently on the top left(passenger side) portion of the front windscreen of our vehicle at all times whilst in Parc Life.",
- "signature_bicycle": "By providing our/my personal data, we/l agree and give consent to The MCST Plan No.4602.its employees and/or it's duly authorised agents to collect,use and/or disclose the personal data for any and/or all of the above stated purpose(s).",
- "signature_renovation": "We.the Owners,herein attached the necessary plans and details of the works to be carried out and undertake to notify of any revision of these plans and details.\n\nWe enclose a deposit of $1000.00 to be held by the Management for any damage to the common are acaused by my Contractor and/or by their personnel,or for removal of any building and renovation materials/debris/items left in the common area.The deposit will be refunded, free of interest,upon completion of works and satisfactory compliance with the Management's rules and regulations governing renovation works, otherwise appropriate recovery/deductions would be made.An amount of $20.00(21.70 incl GST) will be paid for the lift padding per week.\n\nWe undertake to provide full support and total protection to the lift car panels and floor and lift lobbies.By submitting this application, we acknowledge the joint inspection with the Management when our renovation has completed.\n\nWe hereby undertake to comply with the Rules and Regulations governing the renovation works and to fully indemnify the Management against any claims/injury/cost/damage arising from the renovation works.",
- "signature_moving": "By providing our/my personal data, we/l agree and give consent to MCST Plan No.4602, its employees and/or it's duly authorized agents to collect, use and/or disclose the personal data for any and/or all of the above stated purpose(s).\n\nI confirm that l have read and will abide by the rules & regulations governing Bulky Delivery and Moving in/out of MCST 4602,or any changes determined by the Management",
- "signature_access_card": "By providing our/my personal data, we/l agree and give consent to The MCST Plan No. 4602, its employees and/or it's duly authorized agents to collect,use and/or disclose the personal data for any and/or all of the above stated purpose(s).\n\nI confirm that lhave read and will abide by the rules ®ulations governing the Card Access System of The MCST Plan No.4602, or any changes determined by the Management.",
- "clean": "Clean",
- "choose_date": "Choose Date",
- "fee": "Fee",
- "card": "Card",
- "renovation_company": "RENOVATION COMPANY",
- "view_application": "View Application",
- "serial_number": "Serial Number",
- "processing": "Processing",
- "enter_captcha": "Enter CAPTCHA",
- "captcha": "CAPTCHA",
- "rejected": "Rejected",
- "successful": "Successful",
- "send_sms_successful": "Sending SMS successfully, please enter SMS verification code",
- "get_verification_code": "Get Verification Code",
- "thank_you_name": "Thank you {name}",
- "estate_upload_success_desc": "You have successfully submitted your application\n\nThe Management may take a few days to process your application\n\nOnce your application is approved you Will be notified via a push notification to the YY Home app\n\nKindly contact the Management if you would like to amend or check the status of your application",
- "send_email": "Email",
- "call_phone": "Call",
- "replied": "Replied",
- "function_room": "Function Room",
- "gourmet_pavilion": "Gourmet Pavilion",
- "kids_party_room": "Kids Party Room",
- "media_room": "Media Room",
- "pet_pavilion": "Pet Pavilion",
- "tennis_court": "Tennis Court",
- "hold_started_on": "hold started on",
- "released_on": "released on",
- "manage": "Manage",
- "parking_fee_payment": "Parking Fee Payment",
- "property_payment": "Property Payment",
- "other": "Other"
- }