{ "payment": "Payment", "rewards": "Rewards", "notification": "Notification", "facility": "Facility", "form": "Form", "notice_board": "Notice Board", "phone_email": "Phone/Email", "password": "Password", "login": "Log In", "forgot_password": "Forgot Password?", "create_new_yy_home_account": "Create New YY Home Account", "agree_to": "Agree to", "terms_of_service": "Terms of Service", "forgot_text": "Enter your email and mobile phone number", "email": "Email", "mobile_phone": "Mobile Phone", "next": "Next", "verification_code": "Verification Code", "reset_password": "Reset Password", "confirm_password": "Confirm Password", "password_format": "8 Digits Alphanumeric", "get_code": "Get Code", "first_name": "First Name", "last_name": "Last Name", "sign_up_verify_txt": "We have sent you an SMS verification code Please enter it below", "did_not_receive": "Did Not Receive?", "resend_code": "Resend Code", "you_have": "You have", "tries_left": "Tries Left", "welcome_name": "Welcome {name}", "sign_up_success_txt1": "You have successfully created an YY Home account", "sign_up_success_txt2": "Your username is your email address and please keep your password safe", "sign_up_success_txt3": "Now, let's get you connected to your estate and community", "get_started": "let's get started", "yy_home_accounts": "YY Home Accounts", "block": "Block", "unit_number": "Unit Number", "block_desc": "Block refers to the street number of the unit's official mailing address", "block_example": "123 Example Road #08-08 Country 123456", "block_example_desc": "123 is the block number #08-08 is the unit number", "estate_or_building_name": "Estate or Building Name?", "type_here": "Type Here", "estate_name_desc": "Tell us the name of the estateor building you are applying to", "owner_or_tenant": "Are you an owner or tenant?", "owner": "Owner", "tenant": "Tenant", "who_are_owners": "Who are owners?", "owners_desc1": "My name is in the strata title", "owners_desc2": "My name is in the strata title and l have rented out my unit", "owners_desc3": "I live in the same household as the named owner", "owners_desc4": "I am the shareholder of the company that owns the unit", "owners_desc5": "The Management will verify your application accordingly", "who_are_tenants": "Who are tenants?", "tenants_desc1": "My name is in the lease agreement", "tenants_desc2": "I live in the same household as the named tenant", "tenants_desc3": "I am the tenant of the company that rented the unit", "tenants_desc4": "The Management will verify your application accordingly", "upload_documents": "Upload Documents", "upload_doc_desc": "The Management requires that you upload the following documents to verify your tenancy. You may redact sensitive financia information", "upload_doc_desc1": "(1)A valid tenancy agreement showing your name,unit numper,tenancy expiration date and a list of occupants (if applicable)", "upload_doc_desc2": "(2)Tenancy Agreement Stamp Duty receipt", "upload": "Upload", "following": "Following", "followers": "Followers", "my_post": "My Posts", "household": "Household", "estate": "Estate", "settings": "Settings", "enable_notification": "Enable Notification", "change_mobile_phone": "Change Mobile Phone", "privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy", "terms_conditions": "Terms & Conditions", "account_deactivation": "Account Deactivation", "rate_us": "Rate Us", "version_no": "Version No.", "logout": "Logout", "old_mobile_phone": "Old Mobile Phone", "new_mobile_phone": "New Mobile Phone", "submit": "Submit", "new_password": "New Password", "confirm_new_password": "Confirm New Password", "cancel": "Cancel", "confirm": "Confirm", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "alert": "Alert", "logout_alert": "Are you sure you want to logout?", "account_deactivate_alert": "Are you sure you want to deactivate your account? You will not be able to login into the app once you proceed with the request.", "home": "Home", "visitor": "Visitor", "feedback": "FeedBack", "me": "Me", "property": "Property", "service": "Service", "community": "Community", "latest_news": "Latest News", "internal": "Internal", "info": "Info", "publish": "Publish", "latest_transactions": "Latest Transactions", "property_news": "Property News", "strata_management_guides": "Strata Management Guides", "introduction_to_info_pack": "Introduction to info-pack", "your_roles_responsibilities": "Your roles & responsibilities", "property_guide": "Property Guide", "visitor_now": "Now", "visitor_active": "Active", "history": "History", "visitor_msg": "The community visitor system is an intelligent system designed to enhance community security management and facilitate visitor access.", "visitor_registration": "Visitor Registration", "full_name": "Full Name", "nric_fin": "NRIC/FIN", "license_plate_number": "License Plate Number", "access_date": "Access Date", "notes": "Notes", "characters": "{count} Characters", "sent": "Sent", "in_progress": "In Progress", "feedback_msg_1": "Help us keep your estate beautiful", "feedback_msg_2": "there is something that requires ourattention or if you have an awesome suggestion, we would like to hear from you!", "create_new_feedback": "Create New FeedBack", "mark_all": "Mark All", "choose_category": "Choose a Category", "title": "Title", "describe_your_feedback": "Describe Your FeedBack", "upload_pictures": "Upload Pictures", "send_feedback": "Send FeedBack", "up_to_max_images": "(Up to 10 images can be uploaded)", "published_successfully": "Published Successfully", "published_successful_txt": "Your feedback has been successfully sent! We will reply to you as soon as possible! thank you!", "back_home": "Back Home", "waiting_for_the_administrator": "Waiting for the administrator", "administrator_reply": "Administrator Reply", "feedback_details": "FeedBack Details", "upload_a_photo": "Upload a Photo", "or": "or", "edit_profile": "Edit Profile", "active": "ACTIVE", "inactive": "INACTIVE", "remove": "Remove", "add": "Add", "household_members": "Household Members", "remove_account": "Remove Account", "remove_account_tips": "Are you sure you want to remove your account?", "other": "Other" }