// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'intl/messages_all.dart'; // ************************************************************************** // Generator: Flutter Intl IDE plugin // Made by Localizely // ************************************************************************** // ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, lines_longer_than_80_chars // ignore_for_file: join_return_with_assignment, prefer_final_in_for_each // ignore_for_file: avoid_redundant_argument_values, avoid_escaping_inner_quotes class S { S(); static S? _current; static S get current { assert(_current != null, 'No instance of S was loaded. Try to initialize the S delegate before accessing S.current.'); return _current!; } static const AppLocalizationDelegate delegate = AppLocalizationDelegate(); static Future load(Locale locale) { final name = (locale.countryCode?.isEmpty ?? false) ? locale.languageCode : locale.toString(); final localeName = Intl.canonicalizedLocale(name); return initializeMessages(localeName).then((_) { Intl.defaultLocale = localeName; final instance = S(); S._current = instance; return instance; }); } static S of(BuildContext context) { final instance = S.maybeOf(context); assert(instance != null, 'No instance of S present in the widget tree. Did you add S.delegate in localizationsDelegates?'); return instance!; } static S? maybeOf(BuildContext context) { return Localizations.of(context, S); } /// `Payment` String get payment { return Intl.message( 'Payment', name: 'payment', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Rewards` String get rewards { return Intl.message( 'Rewards', name: 'rewards', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Notification` String get notification { return Intl.message( 'Notification', name: 'notification', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Facility` String get facility { return Intl.message( 'Facility', name: 'facility', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Form` String get form { return Intl.message( 'Form', name: 'form', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Notice Board` String get notice_board { return Intl.message( 'Notice Board', name: 'notice_board', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Phone/Email` String get phone_email { return Intl.message( 'Phone/Email', name: 'phone_email', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Password` String get password { return Intl.message( 'Password', name: 'password', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Log In` String get login { return Intl.message( 'Log In', name: 'login', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Forgot Password?` String get forgot_password { return Intl.message( 'Forgot Password?', name: 'forgot_password', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Create New YY Home Account` String get create_new_yy_home_account { return Intl.message( 'Create New YY Home Account', name: 'create_new_yy_home_account', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Agree to` String get agree_to { return Intl.message( 'Agree to', name: 'agree_to', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Terms of Service` String get terms_of_service { return Intl.message( 'Terms of Service', name: 'terms_of_service', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Enter your email and mobile phone number` String get forgot_text { return Intl.message( 'Enter your email and mobile phone number', name: 'forgot_text', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Email` String get email { return Intl.message( 'Email', name: 'email', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Mobile Phone` String get mobile_phone { return Intl.message( 'Mobile Phone', name: 'mobile_phone', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Next` String get next { return Intl.message( 'Next', name: 'next', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Verification Code` String get verification_code { return Intl.message( 'Verification Code', name: 'verification_code', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Reset Password` String get reset_password { return Intl.message( 'Reset Password', name: 'reset_password', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Confirm Password` String get confirm_password { return Intl.message( 'Confirm Password', name: 'confirm_password', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `8 Digits Alphanumeric` String get password_format { return Intl.message( '8 Digits Alphanumeric', name: 'password_format', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Get Code` String get get_code { return Intl.message( 'Get Code', name: 'get_code', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `First Name` String get first_name { return Intl.message( 'First Name', name: 'first_name', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Last Name` String get last_name { return Intl.message( 'Last Name', name: 'last_name', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `We have sent you an SMS verification code Please enter it below` String get sign_up_verify_txt { return Intl.message( 'We have sent you an SMS verification code Please enter it below', name: 'sign_up_verify_txt', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Did Not Receive?` String get did_not_receive { return Intl.message( 'Did Not Receive?', name: 'did_not_receive', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Resend Code` String get resend_code { return Intl.message( 'Resend Code', name: 'resend_code', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `You have` String get you_have { return Intl.message( 'You have', name: 'you_have', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Tries Left` String get tries_left { return Intl.message( 'Tries Left', name: 'tries_left', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Welcome {name}` String welcome_name(Object name) { return Intl.message( 'Welcome $name', name: 'welcome_name', desc: '', args: [name], ); } /// `You have successfully created an YY Home account` String get sign_up_success_txt1 { return Intl.message( 'You have successfully created an YY Home account', name: 'sign_up_success_txt1', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Your username is your email address and please keep your password safe` String get sign_up_success_txt2 { return Intl.message( 'Your username is your email address and please keep your password safe', name: 'sign_up_success_txt2', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Now, let's get you connected to your estate and community` String get sign_up_success_txt3 { return Intl.message( 'Now, let\'s get you connected to your estate and community', name: 'sign_up_success_txt3', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `let's get started` String get get_started { return Intl.message( 'let\'s get started', name: 'get_started', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `YY Home Accounts` String get yy_home_accounts { return Intl.message( 'YY Home Accounts', name: 'yy_home_accounts', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Block` String get block { return Intl.message( 'Block', name: 'block', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Unit Number` String get unit_number { return Intl.message( 'Unit Number', name: 'unit_number', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Block refers to the street number of the unit's official mailing address` String get block_desc { return Intl.message( 'Block refers to the street number of the unit\'s official mailing address', name: 'block_desc', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `123 Example Road #08-08 Country 123456` String get block_example { return Intl.message( '123 Example Road #08-08 Country 123456', name: 'block_example', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `123 is the block number #08-08 is the unit number` String get block_example_desc { return Intl.message( '123 is the block number #08-08 is the unit number', name: 'block_example_desc', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Estate or Building Name?` String get estate_or_building_name { return Intl.message( 'Estate or Building Name?', name: 'estate_or_building_name', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Type Here` String get type_here { return Intl.message( 'Type Here', name: 'type_here', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Tell us the name of the estateor building you are applying to` String get estate_name_desc { return Intl.message( 'Tell us the name of the estateor building you are applying to', name: 'estate_name_desc', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Are you an owner or tenant?` String get owner_or_tenant { return Intl.message( 'Are you an owner or tenant?', name: 'owner_or_tenant', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Owner` String get owner { return Intl.message( 'Owner', name: 'owner', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Tenant` String get tenant { return Intl.message( 'Tenant', name: 'tenant', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Who are owners?` String get who_are_owners { return Intl.message( 'Who are owners?', name: 'who_are_owners', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `My name is in the strata title` String get owners_desc1 { return Intl.message( 'My name is in the strata title', name: 'owners_desc1', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `My name is in the strata title and l have rented out my unit` String get owners_desc2 { return Intl.message( 'My name is in the strata title and l have rented out my unit', name: 'owners_desc2', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `I live in the same household as the named owner` String get owners_desc3 { return Intl.message( 'I live in the same household as the named owner', name: 'owners_desc3', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `I am the shareholder of the company that owns the unit` String get owners_desc4 { return Intl.message( 'I am the shareholder of the company that owns the unit', name: 'owners_desc4', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `The Management will verify your application accordingly` String get owners_desc5 { return Intl.message( 'The Management will verify your application accordingly', name: 'owners_desc5', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Who are tenants?` String get who_are_tenants { return Intl.message( 'Who are tenants?', name: 'who_are_tenants', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `My name is in the lease agreement` String get tenants_desc1 { return Intl.message( 'My name is in the lease agreement', name: 'tenants_desc1', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `I live in the same household as the named tenant` String get tenants_desc2 { return Intl.message( 'I live in the same household as the named tenant', name: 'tenants_desc2', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `I am the tenant of the company that rented the unit` String get tenants_desc3 { return Intl.message( 'I am the tenant of the company that rented the unit', name: 'tenants_desc3', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `The Management will verify your application accordingly` String get tenants_desc4 { return Intl.message( 'The Management will verify your application accordingly', name: 'tenants_desc4', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Upload Documents` String get upload_documents { return Intl.message( 'Upload Documents', name: 'upload_documents', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `The Management requires that you upload the following documents to verify your tenancy. You may redact sensitive financia information` String get upload_doc_desc { return Intl.message( 'The Management requires that you upload the following documents to verify your tenancy. You may redact sensitive financia information', name: 'upload_doc_desc', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `(1)A valid tenancy agreement showing your name,unit numper,tenancy expiration date and a list of occupants (if applicable)` String get upload_doc_desc1 { return Intl.message( '(1)A valid tenancy agreement showing your name,unit numper,tenancy expiration date and a list of occupants (if applicable)', name: 'upload_doc_desc1', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `(2)Tenancy Agreement Stamp Duty receipt` String get upload_doc_desc2 { return Intl.message( '(2)Tenancy Agreement Stamp Duty receipt', name: 'upload_doc_desc2', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Upload` String get upload { return Intl.message( 'Upload', name: 'upload', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Other` String get other { return Intl.message( 'Other', name: 'other', desc: '', args: [], ); } } class AppLocalizationDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate { const AppLocalizationDelegate(); List get supportedLocales { return const [ Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'en'), Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'zh', countryCode: 'CN'), Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'zh', countryCode: 'HK'), ]; } @override bool isSupported(Locale locale) => _isSupported(locale); @override Future load(Locale locale) => S.load(locale); @override bool shouldReload(AppLocalizationDelegate old) => false; bool _isSupported(Locale locale) { for (var supportedLocale in supportedLocales) { if (supportedLocale.languageCode == locale.languageCode) { return true; } } return false; } }