@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+import 'package:cpt_form/modules/apply/attachment_page.dart';
+import 'package:cpt_form/modules/apply/form_payment_page.dart';
+import 'package:cpt_form/modules/apply/guest_vehicle_page.dart';
+import 'package:cpt_form/modules/apply/large_text_box_page.dart';
+import 'package:cpt_form/modules/apply/moving_company_page.dart';
+import 'package:cpt_form/modules/apply/moving_date_page.dart';
+import 'package:cpt_form/modules/apply/note_management_page.dart';
+import 'package:cpt_form/modules/apply/renovation_company_page.dart';
+import 'package:cpt_form/modules/apply/renovation_date_page.dart';
+import 'package:cpt_form/modules/apply/signature_page.dart';
+import 'package:cpt_form/modules/apply/type_of_application_page.dart';
+import 'package:cpt_form/modules/apply/vehicle_info_page.dart';
+import 'package:cs_resources/generated/assets.dart';
+import 'package:cs_resources/generated/l10n.dart';
+//每一种 formType 对应的详情页面类型
+enum DetailPageType {
+ vehicleInfo, //车辆信息
+ note2Management, //备注给管理员输入框
+ signature, //单独的签名页面
+ typeOfApplication, //申请类型下拉选
+ attachment, //附件
+ movingDate, //搬家日期
+ movingCompany, //搬家公司信息
+ guestVehicleInfo, //访客与车辆信息
+ renovationDate, //装修日期
+ renovationCompany, //装修公司信息
+ largeTextBox, //大说明文本框
+ payment, //支付页面
+class FormTypes {
+ //对应的type类型 对应的icon的图片与宽高
+ static Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> iconMap = {
+ //Access Card-Owner
+ '1': {
+ 'name': S.current.access_card_owner,
+ 'icon_path': Assets.formAccessCard,
+ 'width': 39.0,
+ 'height': 31.5,
+ },
+ //Access Card-Tenant
+ '2': {
+ 'name': S.current.access_card_tenant,
+ 'icon_path': Assets.formAccessCard,
+ 'width': 39.0,
+ 'height': 31.5,
+ },
+ //Car Park Cancellation
+ '3': {
+ 'name': S.current.car_park_cancellation,
+ 'icon_path': Assets.formCarVehicle,
+ 'width': 39.5,
+ 'height': 33.5,
+ },
+ //Moving In
+ '4': {
+ 'name': S.current.moving_in,
+ 'icon_path': Assets.formMoveInOut,
+ 'width': 36.5,
+ 'height': 39.5,
+ },
+ //Moving Out
+ '5': {
+ 'name': S.current.moving_out,
+ 'icon_path': Assets.formMoveInOut,
+ 'width': 36.5,
+ 'height': 39.5,
+ },
+ //Overnight Parking
+ '6': {
+ 'name': S.current.overnight_parking,
+ 'icon_path': Assets.formOvernight,
+ 'width': 39.0,
+ 'height': 37.0,
+ },
+ //Registration of 2nd Vehicle
+ '7': {
+ 'name': S.current.registration_of_2_vehicle,
+ 'icon_path': Assets.formCarVehicle,
+ 'width': 39.5,
+ 'height': 33.5,
+ },
+ //Renovation
+ '8': {
+ 'name': S.current.renovation,
+ 'icon_path': Assets.formRenovation,
+ 'width': 35.5,
+ 'height': 40.0,
+ },
+ //Re-Registration of 1st Vehicle-Owner
+ '9': {
+ 'name': S.current.re_registration_of_1_vehicle_owner,
+ 'icon_path': Assets.formCarVehicle,
+ 'width': 39.5,
+ 'height': 33.5,
+ },
+ //Re-Registration of 1st Vehicle-Owner
+ '10': {
+ 'name': S.current.re_registration_of_1_vehicle_tenant,
+ 'icon_path': Assets.formCarVehicle,
+ 'width': 39.5,
+ 'height': 33.5,
+ },
+ //Re-Registration of Bicycles
+ '11': {
+ 'name': S.current.re_registration_of_bicycle,
+ 'icon_path': Assets.formBicycles,
+ 'width': 39.0,
+ 'height': 33.5,
+ },
+ //Vehicle Label Replacement
+ '12': {
+ 'name': S.current.vehicle_label_replacement,
+ 'icon_path': Assets.formLabeReplace,
+ 'width': 38.0,
+ 'height': 27.5,
+ },
+ };
+ // =================================== Begin ↓ ===================================
+ //type类型对应的详情页面组与对应的数据
+ static Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> detailPageMap = {
+ //Access Card-Owner
+ '1': {
+ 'title': S.current.access_card_owner,
+ 'term_url': 'https://lehuoer.com/privacy.html',
+ 'detail_pages': [
+ DetailPageType.typeOfApplication,
+ DetailPageType.note2Management,
+ DetailPageType.payment,
+ ],
+ 'detail_data': {
+ 'note_management_txt': S.current.access_card_desc,
+ }
+ },
+ //Access Card-Tenant
+ '2': {
+ 'title': S.current.access_card_tenant,
+ 'term_url': 'https://lehuoer.com/privacy.html',
+ 'detail_pages': [
+ DetailPageType.typeOfApplication,
+ DetailPageType.attachment,
+ DetailPageType.note2Management,
+ DetailPageType.payment,
+ ],
+ 'detail_data': {
+ 'attachment_txt': S.current.access_card_tenant_letter,
+ 'note_management_txt': S.current.access_card_desc,
+ }
+ },
+ //Car Park Cancellation
+ '3': {
+ 'title': S.current.car_park_cancellation,
+ 'term_url': 'https://lehuoer.com/privacy.html',
+ 'detail_pages': [
+ DetailPageType.vehicleInfo,
+ DetailPageType.note2Management,
+ DetailPageType.signature,
+ ],
+ 'detail_data': {
+ 'note_management_txt': '${S.current.car_cancel_txt}\n\n${S.current.car_cancel_txt_1}\n${S.current.car_cancel_txt_2}',
+ }
+ },
+ //Moving In
+ '4': {
+ 'title': S.current.moving_in,
+ 'term_url': 'https://lehuoer.com/privacy.html',
+ 'detail_pages': [
+ DetailPageType.movingDate,
+ DetailPageType.movingCompany,
+ DetailPageType.note2Management,
+ DetailPageType.payment,
+ ],
+ 'detail_data': {
+ 'note_management_txt': S.current.moving_in_msg,
+ }
+ },
+ //Moving Out
+ '5': {
+ 'title': S.current.moving_out,
+ 'term_url': 'https://lehuoer.com/privacy.html',
+ 'detail_pages': [
+ DetailPageType.movingDate,
+ DetailPageType.movingCompany,
+ DetailPageType.note2Management,
+ DetailPageType.payment,
+ ],
+ 'detail_data': {
+ 'note_management_txt': S.current.moving_in_msg,
+ }
+ },
+ //Overnight Parking
+ '6': {
+ 'title': S.current.overnight_parking,
+ 'term_url': 'https://lehuoer.com/privacy.html',
+ 'detail_pages': [
+ DetailPageType.guestVehicleInfo,
+ DetailPageType.note2Management,
+ DetailPageType.signature,
+ ],
+ 'detail_data': {
+ 'note_management_txt': S.current.overnight_parking_msg,
+ }
+ },
+ //Registration of 2nd Vehicle
+ '7': {
+ 'title': S.current.registration_of_2_vehicle,
+ 'term_url': 'https://lehuoer.com/privacy.html',
+ 'detail_pages': [
+ DetailPageType.vehicleInfo,
+ DetailPageType.attachment,
+ DetailPageType.note2Management,
+ DetailPageType.signature,
+ ],
+ 'detail_data': {
+ 'attachment_txt': '${S.current.label_txt}\n\n${S.current.label_txt_1}\n\n${S.current.label_txt_2}\n\n${S.current.label_txt_3}',
+ 'note_management_txt': S.current.moving_in_msg,
+ }
+ },
+ //Renovation
+ '8': {
+ 'title': S.current.renovation,
+ 'term_url': 'https://lehuoer.com/privacy.html',
+ 'detail_pages': [
+ DetailPageType.renovationDate,
+ DetailPageType.renovationCompany,
+ DetailPageType.largeTextBox,
+ DetailPageType.attachment,
+ DetailPageType.note2Management,
+ DetailPageType.payment,
+ ],
+ 'detail_data': {
+ 'large_txt': S.current.list_of_renovation_works,
+ 'attachment_txt': S.current.renovation_attachments,
+ 'note_management_txt': S.current.renovation_note,
+ }
+ },
+ //Re-Registration of 1st Vehicle-Owner
+ '9': {
+ 'title': S.current.re_registration_of_1_vehicle_owner,
+ 'term_url': 'https://lehuoer.com/privacy.html',
+ 'detail_pages': [
+ DetailPageType.vehicleInfo,
+ DetailPageType.attachment,
+ DetailPageType.note2Management,
+ DetailPageType.signature,
+ ],
+ 'detail_data': {
+ 'attachment_txt': '${S.current.label_txt}\n\n${S.current.label_txt_1}\n\n${S.current.label_txt_2}\n\n${S.current.label_txt_3}',
+ 'note_management_txt': S.current.moving_in_msg,
+ }
+ },
+ //Re-Registration of 1st Vehicle-Owner
+ '10': {
+ 'title': S.current.re_registration_of_1_vehicle_tenant,
+ 'term_url': 'https://lehuoer.com/privacy.html',
+ 'detail_pages': [
+ DetailPageType.vehicleInfo,
+ DetailPageType.attachment,
+ DetailPageType.note2Management,
+ DetailPageType.signature,
+ ],
+ 'detail_data': {
+ 'attachment_txt': '${S.current.label_txt}\n\n${S.current.label_txt_1}\n\n${S.current.label_txt_2}\n\n${S.current.label_txt_3}',
+ 'note_management_txt': S.current.moving_in_msg,
+ }
+ },
+ //Re-Registration of Bicycles
+ '11': {
+ 'title': S.current.re_registration_of_bicycle,
+ 'term_url': 'https://lehuoer.com/privacy.html',
+ 'detail_pages': [
+ DetailPageType.typeOfApplication,
+ DetailPageType.attachment,
+ DetailPageType.note2Management,
+ DetailPageType.signature,
+ ],
+ 'detail_data': {
+ 'attachment_txt': S.current.bicycle_desc,
+ 'note_management_txt': S.current.bicycle_note,
+ }
+ },
+ //Vehicle Label Replacement
+ '12': {
+ 'title': S.current.vehicle_label_replacement,
+ 'term_url': 'https://lehuoer.com/privacy.html',
+ 'detail_pages': [
+ DetailPageType.typeOfApplication,
+ DetailPageType.attachment,
+ DetailPageType.note2Management,
+ DetailPageType.payment,
+ ],
+ 'detail_data': {
+ 'attachment_txt': '${S.current.label_txt}\n\n${S.current.label_txt_1}\n\n${S.current.label_txt_2}\n\n${S.current.label_txt_3}',
+ 'note_management_txt': S.current.label_replace_note,
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ // =================================== Begin ↓ ===================================
+ //根据详情页面类型跳转到对应的详情
+ static bool startDetailPageByType(List<DetailPageType>? types, int index) {
+ //判断数组是否为空
+ if (types == null || types.isEmpty || index >= types.length) return false;
+ //去除除数组的第0索引,根据PageType类型判断跳转进入哪一个页面
+ final nextPage = types[index];
+ switch (nextPage) {
+ case DetailPageType.vehicleInfo:
+ VehicleInfoPage.startInstance();
+ break;
+ case DetailPageType.note2Management:
+ NoteManagementPage.startInstance();
+ break;
+ case DetailPageType.signature:
+ SignaturePage.startInstance();
+ break;
+ case DetailPageType.typeOfApplication:
+ TypeOfApplicationPage.startInstance();
+ break;
+ case DetailPageType.attachment:
+ AttachmentPage.startInstance();
+ break;
+ case DetailPageType.movingDate:
+ MovingDatePage.startInstance();
+ break;
+ case DetailPageType.movingCompany:
+ MovingCompanyPage.startInstance();
+ break;
+ case DetailPageType.guestVehicleInfo:
+ GuestVehiclePage.startInstance();
+ break;
+ case DetailPageType.renovationDate:
+ RenovationDatePage.startInstance();
+ break;
+ case DetailPageType.renovationCompany:
+ RenovationCompanyPage.startInstance();
+ break;
+ case DetailPageType.largeTextBox:
+ LargeTextBoxPage.startInstance();
+ break;
+ case DetailPageType.payment:
+ FormPaymentPage.startInstance();
+ break;
+ }
+ //移除数组的第0索引,避免重复跳转页面
+ return true;
+ }