@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+import 'dart:ui';
+import 'package:cs_resources/generated/assets.dart';
+import 'package:domain/entity/response/job_list_applied_staff_search_entity.dart';
+import 'package:domain/entity/response/job_list_remark_view_entity.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_smart_dialog/flutter_smart_dialog.dart';
+import 'package:get/get.dart';
+import 'package:plugin_platform/engine/toast/toast_engine.dart';
+import 'package:shared/utils/log_utils.dart';
+import 'package:shared/utils/util.dart';
+import 'package:widgets/ext/ex_widget.dart';
+import 'package:cs_resources/constants/color_constants.dart';
+import 'package:widgets/load_state_layout.dart';
+import 'package:widgets/my_load_image.dart';
+import 'package:widgets/my_text_view.dart';
+import 'package:widgets/search_app_bar.dart';
+import 'package:widgets/shatter/rating_widget.dart';
+import 'package:widgets/widget_export.dart';
+import 'applied_add_staff_controller.dart';
+ * 添加员工的弹窗
+ */
+class AppliedAddStaff extends StatefulWidget {
+ String jobId;
+ void Function(String selectIds)? confirmAction;
+ AppliedAddStaff({required this.jobId, this.confirmAction});
+ @override
+ State<AppliedAddStaff> createState() => _AppliedAddStaffState();
+class _AppliedAddStaffState extends State<AppliedAddStaff> {
+ @override
+ void initState() {
+ super.initState();
+ Get.put(AppliedAddStaffController());
+ }
+ @override
+ void dispose() {
+ super.dispose();
+ Get.delete<AppliedAddStaffController>();
+ }
+ @override
+ Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+ return GetBuilder<AppliedAddStaffController>(
+ assignId: true,
+ builder: (controller) {
+ return Container(
+ width: 300,
+ height: 555,
+ decoration: BoxDecoration(
+ color: Color(0XFFF7F7F7),
+ borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(15)),
+ ),
+ child: Column(
+ crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+ children: [
+ Center(
+ child: MyTextView(
+ "Choose Staff".tr,
+ fontSize: 19,
+ isFontMedium: true,
+ textColor: ColorConstants.black,
+ marginTop: 22,
+ marginBottom: 15,
+ marginLeft: 22,
+ marginRight: 22,
+ ),
+ ),
+ SearchAppBar(
+ value: controller.keyword,
+ searchBarHeight: 38,
+ searchBarBgColor: Colors.white,
+ searchBarBorderRadius: 15,
+ searchBarBorder: Border.all(
+ color: Color(0XFFC3C3C3),
+ width: 0.5,
+ ),
+ textHintColor: Color(0XFFAFB3B7),
+ textColor: ColorConstants.black33,
+ onSearch: (keyword) {
+ controller.doSearch(keyword);
+ },
+ hintText: "Staff Name".tr,
+ controller: controller.searchController,
+ ).marginOnly(left: 16.5, right: 1.5, bottom: 15.5),
+ Container(
+ color: Colors.white,
+ child: EasyRefresh(
+ header: ClassicHeader(
+ dragText: 'Pull to refresh'.tr,
+ armedText: 'Release ready'.tr,
+ readyText: 'Refreshing...'.tr,
+ processingText: 'Refreshing...'.tr,
+ processedText: 'Succeeded'.tr,
+ noMoreText: 'No more'.tr,
+ failedText: 'Failed'.tr,
+ messageText: 'Last updated at %T'.tr,
+ textStyle: const TextStyle(color: ColorConstants.black66, fontSize: 14),
+ messageStyle: const TextStyle(color: ColorConstants.black66, fontSize: 12),
+ iconTheme: const IconThemeData(color: ColorConstants.black66),
+ backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
+ ),
+ footer: ClassicFooter(
+ dragText: 'Pull to load'.tr,
+ armedText: 'Release ready'.tr,
+ readyText: 'Loading...'.tr,
+ processingText: 'Loading...'.tr,
+ processedText: 'Succeeded'.tr,
+ noMoreText: 'No more'.tr,
+ failedText: 'Failed'.tr,
+ showMessage: false,
+ triggerOffset: 50,
+ iconDimension: 22,
+ textStyle: const TextStyle(color: ColorConstants.black66, fontSize: 14),
+ messageStyle: const TextStyle(color: ColorConstants.black66, fontSize: 12),
+ iconTheme: const IconThemeData(color: ColorConstants.black66),
+ backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
+ ),
+ controller: controller.refreshController,
+ onRefresh: controller.onRefresh,
+ onLoad: controller.loadMore,
+ child: LoadStateLayout(
+ themeColor: ColorConstants.black66,
+ state: controller.loadingState,
+ errorMessage: controller.errorMessage,
+ errorRetry: () {
+ controller.retryRequest();
+ },
+ successSliverWidget: [
+ SliverList(
+ delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
+ (context, index) {
+ return _buildStaffItem(controller.datas[index], () {
+ controller.datas[index].isSelected = !controller.datas[index].isSelected;
+ controller.update();
+ });
+ },
+ childCount: controller.datas.length,
+ ))
+ ],
+ ),
+ ),
+ ).expanded(),
+ Row(
+ children: [
+ Expanded(
+ flex: 1,
+ child: InkWell(
+ onTap: () {
+ onCancel();
+ },
+ child: MyTextView(
+ "Cancel".tr,
+ fontSize: 17.5,
+ isFontMedium: true,
+ textAlign: TextAlign.center,
+ textColor: Color(0XFF0085C4),
+ cornerRadius: 3,
+ borderWidth: 1,
+ ),
+ )),
+ Container(
+ color: Color(0xff09141F).withOpacity(0.13),
+ width: 0.5,
+ ),
+ Expanded(
+ flex: 1,
+ child: InkWell(
+ onTap: () {
+ doCallbackAction(controller);
+ },
+ child: MyTextView(
+ "Submit".tr,
+ marginLeft: 10,
+ fontSize: 17.5,
+ isFontMedium: true,
+ textAlign: TextAlign.center,
+ textColor: Color(0XFF0085C4),
+ cornerRadius: 3,
+ ),
+ )),
+ ],
+ ).constrained(height: 46),
+ ],
+ ),
+ );
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ void onCancel() async {
+ SmartDialog.dismiss();
+ }
+ void doCallbackAction(AppliedAddStaffController controller) {
+ onCancel();
+ var selectedList = controller.datas.where((element) => element.isSelected).toList(growable: false);
+ if (selectedList.isNotEmpty) {
+ var ids = selectedList.map((e) => e.id.toString()).toList(growable: false);
+ String separatedIds = ids.join(',');
+ widget.confirmAction?.call(separatedIds);
+ }
+ }
+ Widget _buildStaffItem(JobListAppliedStaffSearchRows item, VoidCallback callback) {
+ return Stack(
+ children: [
+ Column(
+ children: [
+ Row(
+ children: [
+ MyTextView(
+ "Staff:",
+ textColor: ColorConstants.black66,
+ fontSize: 13,
+ marginRight: 3,
+ isFontRegular: true,
+ ),
+ MyTextView(
+ item.name ?? "-",
+ textColor: ColorConstants.black66,
+ fontSize: 13,
+ isFontRegular: true,
+ ),
+ ],
+ ),
+ Row(
+ children: [
+ MyTextView(
+ "Avatar:",
+ textColor: ColorConstants.black66,
+ fontSize: 13,
+ marginRight: 3,
+ isFontRegular: true,
+ ),
+ MyLoadImage(
+ item.avatar ?? "",
+ width: 25,
+ height: 25,
+ ),
+ ],
+ ).marginOnly(top: 5),
+ Row(
+ children: [
+ MyTextView(
+ "Gender:",
+ marginRight: 3,
+ textColor: ColorConstants.black66,
+ fontSize: 13,
+ isFontRegular: true,
+ ),
+ MyTextView(
+ item.sex ?? "-",
+ textColor: ColorConstants.black66,
+ fontSize: 13,
+ isFontRegular: true,
+ ),
+ ],
+ ).marginOnly(top: 5),
+ Row(
+ children: [
+ MyTextView(
+ "NRIC:",
+ marginRight: 3,
+ textColor: ColorConstants.black66,
+ fontSize: 13,
+ isFontRegular: true,
+ ),
+ MyTextView(
+ item.nric ?? "-",
+ textColor: ColorConstants.black66,
+ fontSize: 13,
+ isFontRegular: true,
+ ),
+ ],
+ ).marginOnly(top: 5),
+ Row(
+ children: [
+ MyTextView(
+ "Phone:",
+ marginRight: 3,
+ textColor: ColorConstants.black66,
+ fontSize: 13,
+ isFontRegular: true,
+ ),
+ MyTextView(
+ item.phone ?? "-",
+ textColor: ColorConstants.black66,
+ fontSize: 13,
+ isFontRegular: true,
+ ),
+ ],
+ ).marginOnly(top: 5),
+ Container(
+ margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 19),
+ width: double.infinity,
+ height: 1,
+ color: Color(0XFFF7F7F7),
+ )
+ ],
+ ).paddingOnly(left: 19, right: 20, top: 17),
+ MyAssetImage(
+ item.isSelected ? Assets.baseServiceItemSelectedIcon : Assets.baseServiceItemUnselectedGrayIcon,
+ width: 20.5,
+ height: 20.5,
+ ).alignRight().marginOnly(right: 20, top: 17.5),
+ ],
+ ).onTap(callback);
+ }